Tuesday, June 9, 2009

What Am I Looking For..........

in a man? That was yesterday's question. It would be so nice if and when the day comes that a man asks that question and my answer can simply be "you". Unfortunately, it was not the case on yesterday and so I had to think of not only what I wanted, but how to verbalize it so that the message was received clearly.

First and foremost, I've decided that I need, crave, desire, want dependability. I need to know that I can count on my partner to be there when I need him. I need to know that if he tells me he'll be some place at a specific time, he'll be at that place at that time. I need to know that I don't have to think of who to turn to in a time of need, because he's there. I want to know that he's truly a friend, confidant, lover, partner and mate 100% of the time. Not just when it's convenient or works out that way.

I want a strong and stable man. This man has emotions and his strength allows him to express himself. He will have the courage to face fears head on and the strength to protect me.

Honesty & trustworthy go right along with dependable. The ability to verbally as well as physically communicate is a must as well.

A man who is passionate about life and has a drive to learn & grow. Our specific passions don't have to be the same, but hopefully there will be an openness to sharing.

If he were handsome and 5'10" or taller, that would be the icing on the cake......

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