Friday, June 12, 2009

Revolutionary Road

I didn't really get much from the trailers that made me feel as if I needed to rush out to see "Revolutionary Road" upon it's theatrical release. I did attempt to see the free screening, but the line was soooooooo long by the time I got to the theater, my friend and I left for other entertainment.

Well, I watched it last night and was actually very surprised. For me it was so intense and thought provoking that I was glad I decided to put it on my rental list. I'm also now wishing I had someone to discuss it with who has seen the film.

Even though the story took place during an earlier time period, it still spoke to what happens for many today. Getting stuck and not knowing what your "true calling" is or having a clue as to how to figure it out. Working the 9 to 5 that you hate but you know you also like having a place to live, a car to drive, and your utilities operating. Or else the woman who married that guy who would take care of her for the rest of life, but realized that it's just not enough and there's a longing to be leading a different life.

It all rests on whether or not you can face the fear to just get out. Leap and pray that you land in one peace. How do you begin? What door do you choose?

Good movie!

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