Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Online vs In Person

As I've gotten older, I just don't have the desire to go out to the bars or club as often as I once did. I'm also a people watcher & most of the folks out here to not be that interesting to watch and surely not that interesting to talk with. There have been several times when I leave thinking that I just wasted money to be bored.

The down side of this is that I don't meet a lot of dating prospects. I do get out but at most of the events I attend, most people are already there with dates and I'm never going to date any of the people I work with through my community service. No one of interest at church either.

So that leaves the world of online dating. I'm still not very good at it or that comfortable with it but have tried a few times. A big part of the problem for me is the number of responses that come after posting an ad. It's easy to just delete the one who appear to have not read my ad all the way through & those who just don't follow the directions given, but there are usually still a few that seem of interest as well in the bunch.

Do I make dates with all of them? Would the men be insulted if I tell them that it might be a week or so before we could meet? How do I word it? Do I say that I'm going to give someone else a chance first, but if we don't hit it off, I'll get back to them?

For the most part, I get overwhelmed with it, delete the ad and try to distract myself with other projects.

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