Sunday, April 5, 2009


My friends have always seem to be better thought of as extended family. I've been blessed. I can actually say that I have some friendships that go back over 30 years now. I've never known the drama of a friend stabbing me in the back or just pretending to be my friend to get something. My friends are truly my friends. My family. I may not have made it to 41 without them. They have also been some of the main catalyst for growth in my life.

We come from such different backgrounds and walks of life. In a lot of cases even such different interests on the whole. But we all share a common bond. I think that the common bond is that we are all so unashamedly who we are without pretense. None of us ever has to pretend with each other nor the world. With such differences, we are all so comfortable together. Years can go by without seeing each other, months can go by without speaking, but when the time does come, it's as if we had never been apart.

Last night I got together with my old college roommates. She's the one that I can talk to about anything at all. We can talk politics, religion, sex, and most of all, we can talk honestly to each other about ourselves. We've said things to each other that have probably hurt when said, but the best part is that we've both realized later on the truth in those things and have grown because of them.

My friends/family have definitely been one of the biggest blessings in my life.

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